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Tips and Tricks for the Backyard Birder
Bird watching, or birding, is an increasingly popular hobby around the world. It's even been reported that people are sneaking away from business conventions not to play golf but to go birding with hopes of adding to their life list of birds sighted! Back at home though, it's so pleasurable to create an inviting environment and watch birds visit the garden or deck. Here are some tips, tricks and ideas that we hope you'll find useful.

For some great bird food recipes to use in some of the feeders on this page as well as bird feeding tips - click here.
Simple Wooden Feeder
Simple Wooden Feeder
This is an easy feeder to construct and hopefully make those berry-eating birds happy.
Wooden Berry Feeder
Wooden Berry Feeder
This simple double berry feeder lets you hang a few bunches of berries for berry-loving birds.
Suet and Berry Log Feeder Suet and Berry Log Feeder
This attractive feeder is designed to attract a variety of birds.
  Fruit and Suet Wooden  Feeder Fruit and Suet Wooden Feeder
This feeder provides a place to mount fruit as well as a suet cage.
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Suet Log Feeder Suet Log Feeder
This project makes a great looking feeder that can be stuffed with suet.
  Easyloader Tip Easyloader Tip
Here's an idea which makes filling suet log feeders a lot less messy.
Bird Feeding Table Bird Feeding Table
This project requires some simple carpentry skills, but the end result is worth it.
  Berry Feeder Berry Feeder
This project makes an interesting feeder in which you can hang berries.
Ice Cream Cone Feeder Project Ice Cream Cone Feeder Project
In this simple project an ice cream cone is smothered with peanut butter and bird seed to make an interesting feeder.
  Suet Block Feeders Suet Block Feeders
Here's a little project to make a couple of feeders for suet blocks.
Easy Homemade Hummingbird Feeder Easy Homemade Hummingbird Feeder
This project uses a few simple items that would normally end up in the garbage or recycling bin.
  Insulating Your Hummingbird Feeder Insulating Your Hummingbird Feeder
Add a plastic bottle to your hummingbird and it'll act as an insulator.
Natural Log Feeder Natural Log Feeder
Using an old log or branch as a feeder can gives you some effective photo opportunities.
  Top Loading Suet Feeder Top Loading Suet Feeder
You'll need a few simple carpentry skills for this project which transforms a store-bought suet cage into a much more interesting and attractive suet feeder.
Pine Cone Feeder Pine Cone Feeder
A simple pine cone stuffed with some home-made suet can attract a variety of birds.
  Feeder for Berries, Jam, Nuts and Seeds Feeder for Berries, Jam, Nuts and Seeds
This creative feeder will be a great addition to your bird feeding station. NEW
Upside-down Feeder
Upside-down Feeder
This project is for birds that enjoy feeding upside down. NEW
Two Halves Suet Cake Holder
Two Halves Suet Cake Holder
This feeder is great when you have lots of suet-loving birds visiting at the same time. NEW
Ideas and Tips
Saving Berries for Winter Saving Berries for Winter
If you have access to a few berries in the fall, your bird visitors will be very thankful when winter arrives and such food is scarce.
  The Importance of  Water The Importance of Water
Water is a major attractor of all sorts of birds and it's easy to set up some simple water sources as you'll see in this article.
Nesting Material Project Nesting Material Project
Use a suet cake holder to make a container in which you can stuff nesting material for birds.
  Nesting Material Project 2 Nesting Material Project 2
This is another interesting idea which transforms a suet cake cage into an attractive container for nesting materials.
Easy Nesting Material Holder Easy Nesting Material Holder
This is another hanging holder for nesting material. NEW
Helping Out Nesting Birds Helping Out Nesting Birds
Placing cattails and grasses near your feeding station provides a new nest-building material for your backyard birds.
  Protecting Your Hummingbird Feeder Protecting Your Hummingbird Feeder
If you live in an area that gets snow and hummingbirds, you might want to check out this simple idea.
Creating an Inviting Environment Creating an Inviting Environment
It can be simple and rewarding to create an inviting environment for your bird visitors. Here are some ideas.
  Small Pond for Birds Small Pond for Birds
Birds love this a small pond with a little waterfall.
Frying Pan Water Dish Frying Pan Water Dish
Provide a place for the birds to bathe and drink using an old frying pan as a dish.
  Attracting Birds: Bird Food Guide Attracting Birds: Bird Food Guide
This is a quick reference page focusing on some of the favourite foods of birds that visit feeding stations.
Nest Boxes
Plant Pot Nest Box
Plant Pot Nest Box
This is an easy-to-do project which creates an interesting nest box for your garden.
Apex Nest Box
Apex Nest Box
Build an attractive nest box for your garden using some simple supplies from the wood shop.
Traditional Nest Box Traditional Nest Box
Welcome nesting birds to your garden with this traditional, straightforward nest box.
  Flat Topped Nest Box Flat Topped Nest Box
This nest box has a unique design but is still simple to make.
Triangle Nest Box Triangle Nest Box
This nest box has a different shape and is decorated with bark.
  Platform Nest Box for Robins Platform Nest Box for Robins
This project makes a platform nesting box for American Robins. NEW
Photo Tips
Attracting Birds for Photographs Attracting Birds for Photographs
Using some natural props and bribing with food helps on our quest for bird photos.
  Photo Tips: Changing the Background Photo Tips: Changing the Background
Here are some ideas to help you get great bird shots at your bird feeding station.
Photo Tips: Using Nature's Props Photo Tips: Using Nature's Props
Adding a few twigs and props can assist you in getting some super pictures.
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