The Dereila Nature Inn - A Virtual Nature Centre for Nature Lovers
Coralline Algae on the Beach
The lagoon is a wonderful place, constantly changing with the seasons, weather and tides.

Protected from all the but the worst storms and waves of the sea by a narrow strip of land it is a haven for waterfowl, water-loving birds and mammals.

Just beyond the lagoon, along the beach and in the tidal pools is a world of sea stars, urchins, crustaceans and other amazing life.

Come, wander down by the lagoon and the tidal pools. Who knows what you'll see?
In this part of the Lagoon Trail you'll find some amazing jigsaw puzzles to do, and our At-A-Glance Guide to Marine Life,
as well as some articles and stories that will take you exploring the beach and tidal pools.
Swoop on in! Enjoy a few very remarkable Tales from the Lagoon, find out all about Divers and Dabblers,
do a crossword or two and learn how to do identify some of the lovely birds that enjoy the water and the shore.

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