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Walking in the Wild - The Birds Banner
#40 - The Orange-crowned Warbler
Because it is often concealed, you don't usually see the orange stripe
on the crown of the Orange-crowned Warbler, Vermivora celata.
Orange-crowned Warbler
This a small, dull-yellow warbler with faintly streaked yellow underparts, yellow under the tail, a dark eye-line and a broken yellow eye-ring.
Orange-crowned Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
It is native to North America but more common in the west, migrating to the south, Mexico and central America in the winter. It feeds on insects and spiders and nests close to the ground in dense bushes and shrubs.
Orange-crowned Warbler
There are four subspecies based plumage colour and size. In general, this little songbird is about 5 in/13 cm long with a wingspan of 7.25 in/18 cm.
« #39 - The Lesser Scaup
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Walking in the Wild > The Orange-crowned Warbler


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